The involvement of think tanks represents one of the most significant and underappreciated factors that determine how U.S. foreign policy is developed. The independent national research organization, a uniquely American entity, has influenced American engagement abroad for almost a century. The jostle of special interests, the wrangling of political groups, and the competition among government branches receive more media attention than think tanks, which often perform their work out of the public eye.

Despite their low profile, think tanks have a significant impact on American foreign policymakers in five different ways: by producing novel ideas and policy options, providing a ready pool of specialists for government employment, providing forums for high-level discussions, and educating American citizens by adding to official efforts to arbitrate and settle disputes, as well as through learning more about the world.

The Impartial Task Force for Cybersecurity of the think tank concludes in its analysis that “the era of a global internet is over.” Washington has collaborated closely with the commercial sector and allies over the past three decades to advance a goal of a universal, open, safe, and accessible internet, however, the actuality of cyberspace has become noticeably different.

The comprehensive analysis covers a wide range of topics related to US cyber policy, including criminal activity online, internet freedom, and trade. It highlights three policy pillars that ought to support the novel strategy, including the strengthening of a “coalition of friends and allies around a vision of the internet that retains — to the greatest extent feasible — a respected, protected international communication platform.”

The investigation followed the State Department’s findings a few months ago. a Bureau of Cyberspace & Digital Policy was established to support the Biden administration’s efforts to improve digital assistance to allies and the U.S.’s role in directing global cyber diplomacy.

Additionally, since Moscow’s aggressive invasion of Ukraine, foreign foes including China and Russia have increased their efforts to restrict the information that their respective populations can access online, including on social media platforms.